College Book Grant
- Mission Statement: The mission of the college book grant is to help defray book expenses for our undergraduate and graduate students who are members.
Graduate Recognition
- Mission Statement: The purpose of graduate recognition is to acknowledge through gift, the academic transition of our children, youth and adults.
New Members Class
- Mission Statement: Orients new members, as well as potential members, to the church’s history, the basic tenets of the Christian faith, Baptist beliefs and practices, the church’s nurture responsibility and member’s discipleship responsibilities.
- Mission Statement: Our mission is to cultivate and promote high academic standards, through Christian love, for active youth members of Mount Olive Baptist Church by providing counseling, workshops, recognition, and financial assistance to help further their education.
- Mission Statement: (Student Outstanding Achievement Reward) To reward and recognize the academic behavioral and attendance excellence of our students, kindergarten through high school.
Sunday School
- Mission Statement: The Mount Olive Baptist Church School teaches the Word of God in order to equip individuals and families to become mature in the application of the Word so that, in obedience to the Great Commission, they will be bold witnesses.
Vacation Bible School
- Mission Statement: The mission of Vacation Bible School (VBS) is to provide a period of concentrated, thematic biblical study for children and adults, as well as to serve as a vehicle for community evangelism.
Wednesday Night Church School
- Mission Statement: Wednesday Night Church School endeavors to equip God’s people (adults and children) to live out their high calling as Christians through traditional and non-traditional study and application of the Word.